Global Health Issues

As the Director of the World Health Organization's South-East Asia Region, I will be leading efforts to tackle crucial global health challenges. These encompass promoting health and well-being strategies that directly influence population health, accelerating universal health coverage (UHC) through robust, inclusive primary health care, and proactively preparing for and safeguarding against future pandemics and emergencies. My vision centers on health equity, innovation, and solidarity, with a particular focus on addressing the various social, economic, and commercial determinants that impact health.

Leadership and Advocacy

My background as an international health diplomat and a public health expert empowers me to be a prominent advocate for global health issues on the international stage. I have the privilege of representing WHO in high-level committees and forums, where I passionately advocate for health equity, gender-responsive approaches, and inclusiveness.

On our website, you can explore my speeches, articles, and videos, where I articulately voice WHO's stance and the South-East Asia Region's perspective. My advocacy efforts are vigorous and underscore the significance of investing in health, propelling UHC, and fostering collaborations to achieve health-related Sustainable Development Goals. Through my leadership, I amplify the voices of our member states, ensuring their health priorities are recognized and acted upon in global forums.

WHO's Impact

Under my guidance, WHO has made a substantial impact across the world, including South-East Asia. Our website showcases compelling statistics and data that illustrate the positive outcomes of WHO's initiatives. We emphasize the number of individuals benefiting from UHC, the reduction in key communicable diseases, and the advancements in maternal and child health.

Additionally, we highlight success stories and case studies related to our initiatives, spotlighting the positive changes resulting from our interventions. These stories highlight the Region's progress in disease elimination, health promotion, and the strengthening of health systems. They underscore how the collaborative efforts of member states, partners, and WHO have significantly improved the health and well-being of communities in our region.


Collaboration lies at the heart of WHO's work in the South-East Asia Region, and our website demonstrates our strong partnerships with various organizations, governments, and stakeholders. These collaborations have played a pivotal role in achieving global health goals and advancing health equity.

We emphasize instances of successful partnerships, such as our work with the Green Climate Fund and UNFCCC technology mechanism for health-related adaptation and mitigation. Additionally, we showcase collaborations with international partners, the private sector, academia, civil society, and communities. Through these alliances, we harness resources, expertise, and knowledge to effectively address complex health challenges.

My leadership approach fosters a collaborative spirit, underscoring the significance of inclusive, multisectoral strategies in health. Through these partnerships, WHO's impact is magnified, leading to positive change and progress in addressing critical global health issues in the South-East Asia Region and beyond.